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Wickr Me: topsteroids





Injectable products 


Boldenone 10amps x 1ml/200mg

Masteron 10 x 1ml/100mg

Trenbolone acetate 10 x 1ml/100mg

Trenbolone enanthate 10 x 1ml/200mg

Tri-trenbolone 10 x 1ml/150mg

Testosterone propionate 10 x 1ml/100mg

Testosterone enanthate 10 x 1ml/250mg

Testosterone cypionate 10 x 1ml/200mg

Sustanon 10 x 1ml/250mg

Testosterone phenylpropionate 10 x 1ml/100mg

Nandrolone decanoate 10 x 1ml/250mg

Winstrol 10 x 1ml/50mg

Cuts(6 testosterone mix) 5 x 1ml/300mg


Oral products


Clenbuterol 100tab/0,02mcg

Stanozolol 100tab/10mg

Turinabol 100/10mg

Oxandrolone 100tab/10mg

Methandienone 100tab/10mg